The Center of Young Children - Whole Language Nursery School-Since 1991
Address: No. 12, 14, Lane 91, Chung-Ching Road, PanChiao City, Taipei County, Taiwan Tel. Number: (02) 2959-8787 (02) 2961-4730 Fax Number: (02) 2963-6423 Website: http://cycschool.com.tw Registration Number: Pei-fu-erh-fu-tzu-ti-558 Membership No.: 366 PREFACE The CYC curriculums and environmental movements have been made according to the “Professional Reports on Pre-school Education” from the following associations.
We adopt “Whole Language” as principles of teaching, and map out the following practical teaching methods corresponding to children’s adaptability development and child-centered standpoint. l Curriculum Goals l Teaching Strategies l Counseling on Social Emotion Development l Language Development and Literacy Ability l Recognition Development l Body Action Development l Esthetic Sensibility Development l Motive l Hardware Facilities l Teachers’ Qualification l The ratio of Students to Teachers and Staff HISTORY HOW CYC CAME ABOUT The Center of Young Children was set up on 1st Aug 1991, providing children a good learning environment, inspiring their potentials as well as developing their socializing ability. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CYC
Introduction to Whole Language Curriculum of CYC -Outline: Combination of “Curriculum” and “Development” teaching methods -Principles: We adopt the method of “Whole language” and construct language across the curriculums. Course range- Art, Science, Mathematics, Music Self-inspiring Activities - Games, block, Acting
-Teaching Method: “Comprehension Approaches” Emphasis Aid the interaction between children and syllabus; Design the project of “whole to part program” Focus “Uniqueness of Thinking” and “Learning Style” Development Child-centered and experience guiding learning environment
-Learning development: Rainbow Spectrum Measurement Method - Seven groups: Language development, Mathematics & Logic Development (IQ Development)/ Space development, Music development, Body Action development (Combined Development)/ Interpersonal Relation Development, Self-development and Self-reflection (EQ Development)Claim
Development The interactive teaching allows children to develop into a listener, speaker, reader, and writer. Expectation An Ordinary Day in CYC -Enjoyable Learning1. Language ->We adopt LEA (the Language Experience Approach) and “Comprehensive Approach” teaching method, emphasizing on the interaction with the story and “Reading readiness”, and provide “Whole to part program”. ->We provide more activities and opportunities, allowing children to: -Increase the chances of listening and talking. 2. Games ->In games, the process of clarifying concepts, roles, and opinions can enhance the development of the children’s “recognition” field, and the use of various challengeable mediums and materials can motivate children’s “Body action skills”. Besides that, games can allow young kids to reveal what they have learnt, build resource materials, and imagine role playing, thus aiding them in continuous growth. Adults should protect young kids’ rights for games; encourage and acknowledge “the value of games”. ->In accordance with “child-centered and adaptation development practical teaching methods” ->Emphasis on “interactive” teaching. ->Create chances of “talking” and “participating” for young kids ->Young kids develop their writing ability from messy graffiti to imitating words through self-creative spelling, and from imitating to correct words through experimental writing. Library: A “social site” where young kids can find reading materials and expand their knowledge of literature. ->Encourage young kids to “think” with the authors. ->Allow young kids to “interact” with the story, encourage them to write with “environmental words” and enhance their interest in books and literature. ->Arrange classes according to young kids’ “interests”, so as to “adjust” and “combine” their present and past experience. ->The integrated topics across various subjects make it easier to “Unite” activities in different fields, and provide more diverse chances for “ability development”. Science classes ->Allow young kids’ to develop “appreciation of living things” ->Provide young kids to use scientific vocabulary to carry out “observation” and “investigation”, and thus develop the ability to “discover”. ->Look at young kids as “creative thinkers”, and provide them an environment where they can “freely” express themselves. We should encourage young kids to use different artistic forms, regardless 2 or 3 dimensional, to create a story of their own and organize their thoughts, in order to make art one of the many communication means. Music and exercise itself is a very “active” process of communication and expressing. ->Through music and exercise, young kids can: -Learn to listen and respond with their voices through the mood of appreciating music. -Increase the ability of controlling their body by expressing body actions and also learn to respond with them. ->Through all sorts of operation and sensory teaching materials, and mathematical exercise activities of pair making, description, name giving, distinction of attributes, numerals, and numbers, to assist young kids build their own concepts of mathematics.